Sun City Festival Pickleball Club, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.
January 4, 2025
The following were in attendance.
Chris Prellwitz, President. Tannie Chow (via phone), Vice President. Diane Vierkant, Treasurer. Darlene Douglas, Secretary. Rob Dryden, Player Development. Scott Moyer, Director at Large, Court Utilization. Kirk Olesen, Director at Large, Events.
Leila Mirza, Admin.
Chris Prellwitz called the meeting to order at 10:10am.
The meeting minutes from December 6, 2024 were previously presented to the board via email. The motion to approve the minutes was made by Rob Dryden and seconded by Darlene Douglas. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Treasurer's Report.
Presented by Diane Vierkant. The CC7 has been completed and is to be submitted to Sally Meyer. (This was completed by Chris Prellwitz via email the afternoon of 1/4/25).
Diane Vierkant provided the details of the December checks written. Chris Prellwitz asked for a motion to approve the checks. Diane Vierkant made a motion to approve the checks for December 2024, Rob Dryden seconded the motion.
Checks written for December 2024:
Brock Taylor - $ 567.00 - Court Reserve
Safe Save - $ 108.77 - Bank Service
Chris Prellwitz - $ 32.78 - First Aid Kit
Jim Wright - $ 67.28 - Pickleball holder
Scott Moyer - $ 121.67 - Lobsters, repair
Total: $ 897.50
Admin Report.
Presented by Leila Mirza. She confirmed all board members have been added to the board’s group email [email protected] . The addition of Kirk Oleson is pending, cc him when sending a group email to the board until that is complete. Contacts to the Board email are usually answered by Rob Dryden unless better answered by another board member, such as a finance question or such. Contacts to the Admin email are addressed by Leila unless she needs to involve a board member.
Leila asked that all board members review the new board member information she provided – read and familiarize yourself with it. Dropbox access was provided by Leila Mirza to the incoming board members.
She has updated the board member information on the website as well as the HOA site. End of year tasks have been completed.
Court Utilization.
Discussion led by Scott Moyer. The primary focus of discussion was twofold. The first discussion was to determine if it made sense to move the morning rotations back by 30 minutes to 11am for the first start time, with the immediately following rotations moving to 12:30pm. It was suggested to test this with the Sage rotations only, as those open and rotation players and coordinators have already been in contact with Scott and provided their feedback to do so. The concern has been that open players have found that their time has been compromised by rotation players getting to the courts early to the rotation in order to warm up. The open players would like to have 30 minutes of the warmer time of day in their playing time. It was further suggested that all rotation coordinators discuss with their respective rotations that there will be a 10-minute warm up period at the start of all rotations with play beginning 10 minutes past the rotation start time. This will ensure all players will be able to warm up and have a court to do so, thereby alleviating the need for players to arrive earlier than the intended start time because they haven’t had adequate opportunity to warm up. Scott Moyer will have a discussion with all coordinators on this. After discussion, Chris Prellwitz brought up the concern of consistency as per the guidelines of the club. It was suggested that if moving start times at Sage, they should also be moved at Wagner. A motion to do so was requested by Chris Prellwitz.
Scott Moyer made the motion, and Diane Vierkant seconded the motion, and it was voted unanimously to approve the motion with a start date of 1/13/2025. It was further discussed to possibly add additional rotations in the afternoon “non-peak” times in order to provide further rotation opportunities in the winter month afternoons. This has been tabled to a future meeting.
Scott Moyer would like to appoint a sub-committee of non-board member players from each skill level to help assess, analyze, and determine what improved court utilization looks like in order to further improve the rotation and open play schedule. This will be an ad-hoc committee of players suggested by open players and coordinators feedback and put together by Scott. The purpose of the sub-committee will be to provide feedback and recommendations only, for the board’s final review and approval. It was discussed to also put together a survey of the membership for feedback prior to the committee placement and meeting, this is pending. Rob Dryden made a motion to form the sub-committee, and Scott Moyer seconded the motion. It was accepted by a unanimous vote of approval.
There was discussion about cleaning the courts and the time allotted having to be moved due to the skills and drills sessions blocking that time. The court cleaning as a result is having to be moved to 5-7pm over the next 5 weeks and players will have to adjust their reservations accordingly.
It was agreed that although the lights at Sage are an improvement, they are still not ideal and there is not a way to overcome that without further light pollution to and complaints from nearby homeowners. The HOA has been approached as to if anything further can be done, and this is the best that they are able to do at this time. It was requested that maintenance for the softball field included watering the field before dragging it to reduce the dust that blows into the courts at Wagner. Tannie Chow will follow up with Phil McWilliams on this and will also address the timing of the landscaping that takes place around Wagner to see about having it done at a non-peak time of rotations and play.
President's Report.
Presented by Chris Prellwitz. There will be a Finance Work Session on 1/14 for the Board and HOA Finance Team to discuss the denial of the shade project and where the carryover money slated for this project should now be directed. This will take place at Sage Meeting room at 9:30am. All board members who are able to attend will do so. After this meeting, the board will conduct a one-hour work discussion as to if the club should continue to be a profit center.
The board agreed on a monthly meeting schedule to meet the first Wednesday of the month from 10am-noon. Darlene Douglas will schedule these meetings for the Senita Center and provide confirmations to the board members.
Leila Mirza expressed that she would not like to attend every meeting but rather join when an admin specific item is to be discussed. This was agreed to by the board.
VP Report.
Presented by Tannie Chow. She will have further discussions with the former VP, Trevor Thorne, regarding the handover of the position and noted he has been a wonderful help to her so far. She is receiving a list from him of the court cleaners and will determine further tasks assigned to her position. Chris Prellwitz indicated she would order the pickleballs. Tannie will determine who places them. The fencing covers are on order. The court signs at Wagner are pending. Rob Dryden spoke with the installers of the new screens and the court signs cannot be hung on the screens themselves or it will void the warranty. They will need to either go underneath or on a different location at each court. Tannie Chow will explore the options and talk to Phil McWilliams/maintenance.
There is a new pole/net at Sage on court 8. It will need to be removed and reinstalled as it is 37” instead of 36” and can’t be adjusted without removal. Approval has been given to Steve Sirocco to order wood for the benches at Wagner as repairs are needed. Rob Dryden will be meeting with the coating company about redoing the Sage lines as there was not enough grit put into the paint there. The owner of the company was out of town for the holidays and the meeting should be scheduled shortly. Rob Dryden, Phil McWilliams in maintenance, and Trevor Thorne will be at this meeting.
Player Development Report.
Provided by Rob Dryden. Many people are on the waiting list for skills and drills and have contacted him about this. There are a significant number of people on the 3.0 and 3.5 wait lists. Conversely, there are only 7 people signed up total for the 2.0 skills and drills. Rob proposes to combine the 2.0 and 2.5 levels for skills and drills, which would free up additional time for coaches and courts. Also, Rob has offered to do one-on-one coaching with 8 courts and 2 coaches to provide an option for those on the wait list. This additional coaching session will be created and then the wait listed people will be moved to the new list. Rob has been approached by Selkirk to take place in DUPR coaching in order to provide ratings to people who would like to partake of that. This could progress to further ratings within the club vs. relying solely on self-assessment.
Presented by Kirk Olesen. The Hen House and Highlander will be adjusted to 2 separate events within each, a social version and a competitive version. A letter will be going out to the membership upon details being finalized. The cost for each tournament is still to be determined but will likely be a lower cost of $15. R2 Sports is an approved software for tournaments and will be used for those as well as the In-House Tournament, the cost is $1 per person. These will still be set up via Court Reserve with the information being transferred to R2 Sports. The information on the tournaments is to be ready for the website next week along with details as to the charge and included items (lunch and the like). The Henhouse needs volunteers, Kirk will reach out to people who have assisted in past events and will then determine if a submission sheet for volunteers or direct emails will be used. Leila Mirza will put some basic information on the Q&A, just needs the hard information needed to put links on the website.
The IHT will have a submission form for volunteers and there will be a decision on how to formalize the requests in the next week or so. The way the tournament operated last year was a success and therefore there won’t be a change for this upcoming tournament. There may be a lower cost determined after the Finance meeting on 1/14.
Do we want to continue to support the Firefighter’s Tournament – yes. Scott will continue to run this tournament. We will have further conversation as to the Gary Sinise tournament.
Kirk will further brainstorm social events for the club such as holiday events, paddle exchanges, and try to establish additional ways for club members to engage.
New Business
The Rotation Coordinator policies are being fined tuned.
Scott Moyer will develop a letter to membership on the rotation time changes and note that it is for morning rotations only, beginning 1/13/25.
Darlene Douglas will be meeting with the prior secretary, Mark Swygert, to discuss the responsibilities of ordering nametags and room and meeting scheduling.
Chris Prellwitz requested a motion to end the meeting. Darlene Douglas made the motion and Tannie Chow seconded. The meeting adjourned at 12:20pm.
January 4, 2025
The following were in attendance.
Chris Prellwitz, President. Tannie Chow (via phone), Vice President. Diane Vierkant, Treasurer. Darlene Douglas, Secretary. Rob Dryden, Player Development. Scott Moyer, Director at Large, Court Utilization. Kirk Olesen, Director at Large, Events.
Leila Mirza, Admin.
Chris Prellwitz called the meeting to order at 10:10am.
The meeting minutes from December 6, 2024 were previously presented to the board via email. The motion to approve the minutes was made by Rob Dryden and seconded by Darlene Douglas. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Treasurer's Report.
Presented by Diane Vierkant. The CC7 has been completed and is to be submitted to Sally Meyer. (This was completed by Chris Prellwitz via email the afternoon of 1/4/25).
Diane Vierkant provided the details of the December checks written. Chris Prellwitz asked for a motion to approve the checks. Diane Vierkant made a motion to approve the checks for December 2024, Rob Dryden seconded the motion.
Checks written for December 2024:
Brock Taylor - $ 567.00 - Court Reserve
Safe Save - $ 108.77 - Bank Service
Chris Prellwitz - $ 32.78 - First Aid Kit
Jim Wright - $ 67.28 - Pickleball holder
Scott Moyer - $ 121.67 - Lobsters, repair
Total: $ 897.50
Admin Report.
Presented by Leila Mirza. She confirmed all board members have been added to the board’s group email [email protected] . The addition of Kirk Oleson is pending, cc him when sending a group email to the board until that is complete. Contacts to the Board email are usually answered by Rob Dryden unless better answered by another board member, such as a finance question or such. Contacts to the Admin email are addressed by Leila unless she needs to involve a board member.
Leila asked that all board members review the new board member information she provided – read and familiarize yourself with it. Dropbox access was provided by Leila Mirza to the incoming board members.
She has updated the board member information on the website as well as the HOA site. End of year tasks have been completed.
Court Utilization.
Discussion led by Scott Moyer. The primary focus of discussion was twofold. The first discussion was to determine if it made sense to move the morning rotations back by 30 minutes to 11am for the first start time, with the immediately following rotations moving to 12:30pm. It was suggested to test this with the Sage rotations only, as those open and rotation players and coordinators have already been in contact with Scott and provided their feedback to do so. The concern has been that open players have found that their time has been compromised by rotation players getting to the courts early to the rotation in order to warm up. The open players would like to have 30 minutes of the warmer time of day in their playing time. It was further suggested that all rotation coordinators discuss with their respective rotations that there will be a 10-minute warm up period at the start of all rotations with play beginning 10 minutes past the rotation start time. This will ensure all players will be able to warm up and have a court to do so, thereby alleviating the need for players to arrive earlier than the intended start time because they haven’t had adequate opportunity to warm up. Scott Moyer will have a discussion with all coordinators on this. After discussion, Chris Prellwitz brought up the concern of consistency as per the guidelines of the club. It was suggested that if moving start times at Sage, they should also be moved at Wagner. A motion to do so was requested by Chris Prellwitz.
Scott Moyer made the motion, and Diane Vierkant seconded the motion, and it was voted unanimously to approve the motion with a start date of 1/13/2025. It was further discussed to possibly add additional rotations in the afternoon “non-peak” times in order to provide further rotation opportunities in the winter month afternoons. This has been tabled to a future meeting.
Scott Moyer would like to appoint a sub-committee of non-board member players from each skill level to help assess, analyze, and determine what improved court utilization looks like in order to further improve the rotation and open play schedule. This will be an ad-hoc committee of players suggested by open players and coordinators feedback and put together by Scott. The purpose of the sub-committee will be to provide feedback and recommendations only, for the board’s final review and approval. It was discussed to also put together a survey of the membership for feedback prior to the committee placement and meeting, this is pending. Rob Dryden made a motion to form the sub-committee, and Scott Moyer seconded the motion. It was accepted by a unanimous vote of approval.
There was discussion about cleaning the courts and the time allotted having to be moved due to the skills and drills sessions blocking that time. The court cleaning as a result is having to be moved to 5-7pm over the next 5 weeks and players will have to adjust their reservations accordingly.
It was agreed that although the lights at Sage are an improvement, they are still not ideal and there is not a way to overcome that without further light pollution to and complaints from nearby homeowners. The HOA has been approached as to if anything further can be done, and this is the best that they are able to do at this time. It was requested that maintenance for the softball field included watering the field before dragging it to reduce the dust that blows into the courts at Wagner. Tannie Chow will follow up with Phil McWilliams on this and will also address the timing of the landscaping that takes place around Wagner to see about having it done at a non-peak time of rotations and play.
President's Report.
Presented by Chris Prellwitz. There will be a Finance Work Session on 1/14 for the Board and HOA Finance Team to discuss the denial of the shade project and where the carryover money slated for this project should now be directed. This will take place at Sage Meeting room at 9:30am. All board members who are able to attend will do so. After this meeting, the board will conduct a one-hour work discussion as to if the club should continue to be a profit center.
The board agreed on a monthly meeting schedule to meet the first Wednesday of the month from 10am-noon. Darlene Douglas will schedule these meetings for the Senita Center and provide confirmations to the board members.
Leila Mirza expressed that she would not like to attend every meeting but rather join when an admin specific item is to be discussed. This was agreed to by the board.
VP Report.
Presented by Tannie Chow. She will have further discussions with the former VP, Trevor Thorne, regarding the handover of the position and noted he has been a wonderful help to her so far. She is receiving a list from him of the court cleaners and will determine further tasks assigned to her position. Chris Prellwitz indicated she would order the pickleballs. Tannie will determine who places them. The fencing covers are on order. The court signs at Wagner are pending. Rob Dryden spoke with the installers of the new screens and the court signs cannot be hung on the screens themselves or it will void the warranty. They will need to either go underneath or on a different location at each court. Tannie Chow will explore the options and talk to Phil McWilliams/maintenance.
There is a new pole/net at Sage on court 8. It will need to be removed and reinstalled as it is 37” instead of 36” and can’t be adjusted without removal. Approval has been given to Steve Sirocco to order wood for the benches at Wagner as repairs are needed. Rob Dryden will be meeting with the coating company about redoing the Sage lines as there was not enough grit put into the paint there. The owner of the company was out of town for the holidays and the meeting should be scheduled shortly. Rob Dryden, Phil McWilliams in maintenance, and Trevor Thorne will be at this meeting.
Player Development Report.
Provided by Rob Dryden. Many people are on the waiting list for skills and drills and have contacted him about this. There are a significant number of people on the 3.0 and 3.5 wait lists. Conversely, there are only 7 people signed up total for the 2.0 skills and drills. Rob proposes to combine the 2.0 and 2.5 levels for skills and drills, which would free up additional time for coaches and courts. Also, Rob has offered to do one-on-one coaching with 8 courts and 2 coaches to provide an option for those on the wait list. This additional coaching session will be created and then the wait listed people will be moved to the new list. Rob has been approached by Selkirk to take place in DUPR coaching in order to provide ratings to people who would like to partake of that. This could progress to further ratings within the club vs. relying solely on self-assessment.
Presented by Kirk Olesen. The Hen House and Highlander will be adjusted to 2 separate events within each, a social version and a competitive version. A letter will be going out to the membership upon details being finalized. The cost for each tournament is still to be determined but will likely be a lower cost of $15. R2 Sports is an approved software for tournaments and will be used for those as well as the In-House Tournament, the cost is $1 per person. These will still be set up via Court Reserve with the information being transferred to R2 Sports. The information on the tournaments is to be ready for the website next week along with details as to the charge and included items (lunch and the like). The Henhouse needs volunteers, Kirk will reach out to people who have assisted in past events and will then determine if a submission sheet for volunteers or direct emails will be used. Leila Mirza will put some basic information on the Q&A, just needs the hard information needed to put links on the website.
The IHT will have a submission form for volunteers and there will be a decision on how to formalize the requests in the next week or so. The way the tournament operated last year was a success and therefore there won’t be a change for this upcoming tournament. There may be a lower cost determined after the Finance meeting on 1/14.
Do we want to continue to support the Firefighter’s Tournament – yes. Scott will continue to run this tournament. We will have further conversation as to the Gary Sinise tournament.
Kirk will further brainstorm social events for the club such as holiday events, paddle exchanges, and try to establish additional ways for club members to engage.
New Business
The Rotation Coordinator policies are being fined tuned.
Scott Moyer will develop a letter to membership on the rotation time changes and note that it is for morning rotations only, beginning 1/13/25.
Darlene Douglas will be meeting with the prior secretary, Mark Swygert, to discuss the responsibilities of ordering nametags and room and meeting scheduling.
Chris Prellwitz requested a motion to end the meeting. Darlene Douglas made the motion and Tannie Chow seconded. The meeting adjourned at 12:20pm.