Sun City Festival Pickleball Club, Board of Directors meeting
August 11, 2023
The following were in attendance.
Beth Castle, President.
Mark Swygert, Vice President.
Trevor Thorne, Secretary.
Diana Ballato, Director at Large, Coor.
Sandy Angle, Director at large, Events, Tournaments, Apparel sales, Expos.
Mary Comer, Player Development via Zoom.
Brock Taylor admin/communications.
Beth Castle called the meeting to order at 2:00pm 8/11/23.
The minutes of the 7/7/23 had been forwarded to the board prior to the meeting
for review. Beth Castle made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Sandy
Angle seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Treasures Report.
Val Vollmin had sent copies of the balance sheet and statement from the MidFirst
bank. Trevor Thorne read the following: The checking account has a balance of
$23,751.65 as of 7/31/23 after monthly expenses of $1,024.62. Dianna Ballato
made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Mark Swygert
seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Events Report.
Sandy Angle reported that Clay Latimer is working on an article about the first
National Pickleball Tournaments played here at SCF. The national events were held
here for 6-7 years, it is hoped that the article will be published in the AZ Republic
newspaper, the Oncore magazine in addition to being placed on our website. The
National Tournament is usually played around 11/5 through 11/12 each year.
Sandy will work with various members who have taken several pictures of our
tournaments and once assembled create a slide show that can be displayed at any
Sandy will be checking on “The Celebration of Life” for Jim Van De Voorde which is
tentatively planned for October 2023 allowing for some snowbirds to return.
A club party is being planned, most likely around Halloween time. Probably in
mid-October. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume etc. $100.00 was
approved to purchase medals/prizes.
Mark S was asked about Apparol sales. The fall sales are not in motion currently.
Mark has been communicating with Nada Brackmann who is a graphic designer
here in SCF her company is call “Dogood Designs” The club is looking for a source
with good quality apparel at reasonable prices that can be ordered online by
members which may include more items that we have offered in the past that
may include visors, shorts etc.
The club has an inventory of apparel items, what to do with these items will be
reviewed soon.
Sandy did report that the electrical short in the poster board at Sage has been
APPL league play is quickly approaching. Sandy will reach out to Dave Owen and
check on how many teams have applied to play this year along with who are the
team captains.
Player Development.
Mary Comer reported that the modules for 2.0-2.5 are complete. Updated
modules for 3.0-3.5 were expected to be completed within the next 7-14 days.4.0
+ have not been started. It was suggested that professional coaches be hired for
4.0 +. Devon Smit & John Rodridues have been interviewed. Both would be
interested in coming to SCF to conduct their classes. The cost for their coaching is
likely to be $75.00 x 3 hours per session. This is based on a class size of 16-20
players. Some discussion was had as to whether the club would sponsor these
events. Both coaches have confirmed there would be no travel fees. Both coaches
will be in Arizona in January 2024. Wayne Long would consider shadowing the
coaches during their time here at SCF. It was agreed that the club would not likely
contribute to the expense of this event, however it is hoped that certain players
consider training others once they are proficient in the techniques.
If a minimum of 16 players do not sign up for this event would the club allow
visitors to participate? This question will be discussed later.
VP Report.
Mark Swygert reported that the lobster machines have been repaired and
maintained by Steve Williams. It appears that some oversized or out of round
balls jammed the machine. The balls have been replaced and both machines are
ready for use. There was no charge for his time. Thanks Steve.
Court cleanup is still a challenge. Courts 2, 4 & 6 are not getting cleaned. It
appears that the lead on this cleaning crew has been gone for some time this
summer and alternate arrangements had not been made. Mark will continue to
work on resolving this matter. One of the hoses still has a leak about 70 feet from
the fitting. A sleeve helps to contain the water flow but it’s wasting water and
dropping the water pressure at the manifold.
Sage equipment for cleaning pickleball courts. Sally was to converse with the
tennis club and ask for permission and a means to use the storage shed. In
addition, it still is not clear what equipment the HOA will supply to the pickleball
ADA access on Wagner’s courts. This issue has not been taken care of after
months of calling. Beth will request a meeting with the manger Kim Rinehart
along with Mark to get this issue resolved.
A safety gate between the courts at Wagner will be quoted by American Gate
Selkirk is releasing a new ball in September that has been tested in its beta
development. It is suggested to have better life in cold weather and is less likely
to crack. In addition, it stays round longer than its competition. Mary Comer has
played with them and loves them. The club will hope to try this new ball out once
they become available.
Rotation Report.
Diana Ballato reported that more courts will be required for 3.5 Friday’s second
time slot at Wagner. 4.0 will be played at Sage courts. 3.5 Thursday evening, 3.0
Tuesday evening. A coordinator is needed for 2.5 on Fridays. Tuesday morning 1st
time slot will be set aside for ladder league starting in the fall through the winter
of 2024.
Beth Castle motioned to accept the rotation schedule that was worked on by the
BOD over the summer of 2023. Sandy Angle seconded the motion, all voted in
Presidents Report.
A review of the cooling stations as proposed by Senor Mist and Mr. Misters is
ongoing. Beth will talk with Rob and ask if he wants to submit a bid.
Lights issue at Sage. No one uses Sage courts after dark due to the lights not
being adequate. A light reading was taken by Victor Heist at various points
throughout the courts with readings from 13 to 560 compared to Wagner which
had a low reading of 500+ and a high reading of 1200. It was suggested that a
couple of lights be installed at Sage to test the improvement. The lights would
look different than the tennis courts, which may be an issue with the HOA. These
actions will be discussed with the HOA to avoid delays in considering these
Beth Castle motioned to appoint Chris Prellwitz as the treasurer starting as soon
as possible with the resignation of Val Vollmin. Mark seconded the motion, all
voted in favor. The position would run through December 2024.
It was confirmed that the fireman can be entered as guests into Court receive for
their up coming tournament on 11/3/23. They will be responsible for collecting
registration fees.
New Business
Beth motioned to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Diana, all members in
attendance approved. The meeting was adjourned at 4:04pm.
August 11, 2023
The following were in attendance.
Beth Castle, President.
Mark Swygert, Vice President.
Trevor Thorne, Secretary.
Diana Ballato, Director at Large, Coor.
Sandy Angle, Director at large, Events, Tournaments, Apparel sales, Expos.
Mary Comer, Player Development via Zoom.
Brock Taylor admin/communications.
Beth Castle called the meeting to order at 2:00pm 8/11/23.
The minutes of the 7/7/23 had been forwarded to the board prior to the meeting
for review. Beth Castle made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Sandy
Angle seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Treasures Report.
Val Vollmin had sent copies of the balance sheet and statement from the MidFirst
bank. Trevor Thorne read the following: The checking account has a balance of
$23,751.65 as of 7/31/23 after monthly expenses of $1,024.62. Dianna Ballato
made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Mark Swygert
seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Events Report.
Sandy Angle reported that Clay Latimer is working on an article about the first
National Pickleball Tournaments played here at SCF. The national events were held
here for 6-7 years, it is hoped that the article will be published in the AZ Republic
newspaper, the Oncore magazine in addition to being placed on our website. The
National Tournament is usually played around 11/5 through 11/12 each year.
Sandy will work with various members who have taken several pictures of our
tournaments and once assembled create a slide show that can be displayed at any
Sandy will be checking on “The Celebration of Life” for Jim Van De Voorde which is
tentatively planned for October 2023 allowing for some snowbirds to return.
A club party is being planned, most likely around Halloween time. Probably in
mid-October. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume etc. $100.00 was
approved to purchase medals/prizes.
Mark S was asked about Apparol sales. The fall sales are not in motion currently.
Mark has been communicating with Nada Brackmann who is a graphic designer
here in SCF her company is call “Dogood Designs” The club is looking for a source
with good quality apparel at reasonable prices that can be ordered online by
members which may include more items that we have offered in the past that
may include visors, shorts etc.
The club has an inventory of apparel items, what to do with these items will be
reviewed soon.
Sandy did report that the electrical short in the poster board at Sage has been
APPL league play is quickly approaching. Sandy will reach out to Dave Owen and
check on how many teams have applied to play this year along with who are the
team captains.
Player Development.
Mary Comer reported that the modules for 2.0-2.5 are complete. Updated
modules for 3.0-3.5 were expected to be completed within the next 7-14 days.4.0
+ have not been started. It was suggested that professional coaches be hired for
4.0 +. Devon Smit & John Rodridues have been interviewed. Both would be
interested in coming to SCF to conduct their classes. The cost for their coaching is
likely to be $75.00 x 3 hours per session. This is based on a class size of 16-20
players. Some discussion was had as to whether the club would sponsor these
events. Both coaches have confirmed there would be no travel fees. Both coaches
will be in Arizona in January 2024. Wayne Long would consider shadowing the
coaches during their time here at SCF. It was agreed that the club would not likely
contribute to the expense of this event, however it is hoped that certain players
consider training others once they are proficient in the techniques.
If a minimum of 16 players do not sign up for this event would the club allow
visitors to participate? This question will be discussed later.
VP Report.
Mark Swygert reported that the lobster machines have been repaired and
maintained by Steve Williams. It appears that some oversized or out of round
balls jammed the machine. The balls have been replaced and both machines are
ready for use. There was no charge for his time. Thanks Steve.
Court cleanup is still a challenge. Courts 2, 4 & 6 are not getting cleaned. It
appears that the lead on this cleaning crew has been gone for some time this
summer and alternate arrangements had not been made. Mark will continue to
work on resolving this matter. One of the hoses still has a leak about 70 feet from
the fitting. A sleeve helps to contain the water flow but it’s wasting water and
dropping the water pressure at the manifold.
Sage equipment for cleaning pickleball courts. Sally was to converse with the
tennis club and ask for permission and a means to use the storage shed. In
addition, it still is not clear what equipment the HOA will supply to the pickleball
ADA access on Wagner’s courts. This issue has not been taken care of after
months of calling. Beth will request a meeting with the manger Kim Rinehart
along with Mark to get this issue resolved.
A safety gate between the courts at Wagner will be quoted by American Gate
Selkirk is releasing a new ball in September that has been tested in its beta
development. It is suggested to have better life in cold weather and is less likely
to crack. In addition, it stays round longer than its competition. Mary Comer has
played with them and loves them. The club will hope to try this new ball out once
they become available.
Rotation Report.
Diana Ballato reported that more courts will be required for 3.5 Friday’s second
time slot at Wagner. 4.0 will be played at Sage courts. 3.5 Thursday evening, 3.0
Tuesday evening. A coordinator is needed for 2.5 on Fridays. Tuesday morning 1st
time slot will be set aside for ladder league starting in the fall through the winter
of 2024.
Beth Castle motioned to accept the rotation schedule that was worked on by the
BOD over the summer of 2023. Sandy Angle seconded the motion, all voted in
Presidents Report.
A review of the cooling stations as proposed by Senor Mist and Mr. Misters is
ongoing. Beth will talk with Rob and ask if he wants to submit a bid.
Lights issue at Sage. No one uses Sage courts after dark due to the lights not
being adequate. A light reading was taken by Victor Heist at various points
throughout the courts with readings from 13 to 560 compared to Wagner which
had a low reading of 500+ and a high reading of 1200. It was suggested that a
couple of lights be installed at Sage to test the improvement. The lights would
look different than the tennis courts, which may be an issue with the HOA. These
actions will be discussed with the HOA to avoid delays in considering these
Beth Castle motioned to appoint Chris Prellwitz as the treasurer starting as soon
as possible with the resignation of Val Vollmin. Mark seconded the motion, all
voted in favor. The position would run through December 2024.
It was confirmed that the fireman can be entered as guests into Court receive for
their up coming tournament on 11/3/23. They will be responsible for collecting
registration fees.
New Business
Beth motioned to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Diana, all members in
attendance approved. The meeting was adjourned at 4:04pm.