The Board of Directors
- In-House Tournament – registration up from 189 last year to 221 this year. Social on Thursday with food provided by Dickies BBQ and entertainment by the band Crossroads. Meal tickets provided to registrants and volunteers on Thursday morning. All other individuals can purchase for $5.
- President Report – met with HOA personnel to discuss vacancies. Charter clubs bylaws will take precedence which means Executive Board will be able to approve appointments for open positions.
- Treasurer Report – brought in $2,738.50 and spent $1,337.39 in February 2019. Current membership is 675.
- Programming– Administrator has been brought up to speed on website updating for Hold My Court and Ball Machine.
- Player Development –third set of lesson modules concluded the week of March 10th and IPTPA ratings assessments were held on Thursday, March 14th for two 3.5 and two 4.0 groups.
- Pickleball Charity Event – SCF Golf Club requested donation for charity event. Board approved same level of support as last year.
The Board of Directors