CourtReserve Leagues
Ladders functionality
Summer League Information
The Club will be sponsoring one League during the summer months (June through September) for 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 players. The League begins on June 4th (signup begins May 21st) and play will be on Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am.
10 courts have been allocated, allowing for a maximum 50 “game-day” players each week.
Although only 50 players can play each game day, Leagues will be configured to allow up to 80 players to register, as we know many players will not be able to attend every game day. Register for the Summer League in CourtReserve under Leagues on or after May 21st.
CourtReserve charges the Club $1.00/month per registered player. Therefore a $4.00 fee upon registration will be charged for the League. No refunds will be given If a player registers but is not able to “opt-in” for a game day for any reason (game day session is full when you sign-up or you can’t attend due to illness or injury, etc.).
10 courts have been allocated, allowing for a maximum 50 “game-day” players each week.
Although only 50 players can play each game day, Leagues will be configured to allow up to 80 players to register, as we know many players will not be able to attend every game day. Register for the Summer League in CourtReserve under Leagues on or after May 21st.
CourtReserve charges the Club $1.00/month per registered player. Therefore a $4.00 fee upon registration will be charged for the League. No refunds will be given If a player registers but is not able to “opt-in” for a game day for any reason (game day session is full when you sign-up or you can’t attend due to illness or injury, etc.).
How Leagues Works:
Registrations (and game day opt-in’s) are done through your CourtReserve account under the Leagues tab (not Events!).
Here’s how Leagues work:
League/Game Day Rules
Here’s how Leagues work:
- Players register for the League session but “opt-in” for days they want to play. If you are interested in playing, you need to sign up for the League session but you don’t need to play every game.
- Players will opt-in for weekly games 7 days prior to game day. Only players that registered for a League session will be able to opt-in to play. You do not have to play every week.
- Leagues will be configured for 4 player courts to accommodate the 90 minute session. 5 player courts may be necessary depending on the number of players opting in on that game day.
- Players in the league will move up or down in ranking according to their scores (Note: this process has recently been updated by CourtReserve).
- For maximum efficiency, players enter scores for each match on the CourtReserve app. Make sure you bring your cell phone so you can get your court assignment and enter your team scores. Wagner courts do have public access to wifi so if your cell coverage is questionable, you can login to the public wifi at Wagner.
League/Game Day Rules
- You must Opt-In each week to play in the upcoming Game Day.
- You must check-in NO LATER THAN 10 MINUTES BEFORE so that player/court assignments can be finalized.
- If you Opt-In, don't be a NO-SHOW, cancel via CourtReserve up to 12 hours before play begins or by contacting the coordinator if you need to cancel after that time.
- All Games are win by 1.
- 4 player courts = 3 games to 15; 5 player courts = 4 games to 11.
- If necessary, rally scoring will be implemented with 20 minutes left in the session so that all games can be completed within the session limit.