Sun City Festival Pickleball Club, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.
January 5, 2024
The following were in attendance.
Beth Castle, President. Trevor Thorne, Vice President. Mark Swygert, Secretary. Chris Prellwitz, Treasurer. Rob Dryden, Director at Large, Player Development. Scott Moyer, Director at Large, Events. Diana Ballato Director at Large, Rotations & Court Schedules. Leila Mirza, admin/communications.
Beth Castle called the meeting to order at 1:58pm on 12/4/23.
The meeting minutes for the Pickleball Club's Annual Meeting on November 30, 2023, were presented for approval. Beth Castle made a motion to approve the minutes. Diana Ballato seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
The meeting minutes for the Pickleball Club Board of Direrctors' meeting on December 4, 2023, were presented for approval. Beth Castle made a motion to approve the minutes. Diana Ballato seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
New Board.
Beth Castle made a motion to consider the following slate of Pickleball Club officers for the calendar year 2024:
President Beth Castle
Vice President Trevor Thorne
Secretary Mark Swygert
Treasurer Chris Prellwitz
Player Development Rob Dryden
Director At Large Diana Ballato (Primary focus for Rotations)
Director At Large Scott Moyer (Primary focus for Events)
Scott Moyer seconded the motion for the slate of officers. The slate of officers was accepted by a unanimous vote of approval.
Treasurer's Report.
Chris Prellwitz presented the Treasurer's Report. The most recent Financial Report is posted on the Club's website. A motion was made by Beth Castle to approve up to a $400.00 expense to purchase a wide screen computer monitor for the Admin Team's use. Scott Moyer seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
Beth Castle made a motion to adopt the annual budget proposed by the Treasurer. Diana Ballato seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
Rotations Report.
Diana Ballato presented the Rotations Report. A discussion regarding adding a Women's 4.0+ Rotation on Thursday mornings at the Sage Courts was held. A final decision to add the Rotation is pending the availability of an Event Coordinator for the Rotation.
Player Development.
Rob Dryden presented the Player Development Report and notes that it is a challenge to find coaches for the 2.0 and 2.5 skill level events that the Club offers. Referee training is planned for Monday, January 29, 2024. The training will be led by Mark Comer and Gene Vollmin. The time and location of the Referee training will be provided at a later date.
VP Report.
Trevor Thorne presented the Vice President's Report. The Zoom Pro account has been canceled as there is not currently a need for Board meetings to be conducted using Zoom. When Zoom meetings are needed in the future, the Zoom account can be established. The Vice President plans to meet weekly with Phil McWilliams, the Maintenance Director for the Sun City Festival Community Association, to aid with the timely ordering of maintenance items for the Club. Steve Wilson reports that he is willing to continue to service the ball machine and windsocks as needed by the Club.
Events Report.
Scott Moyer presented the Events Report and provided an apparel vendor comparison for future Club apparel sales. Additional investigation will be conducted and a formal proposal will be brought to the Board for future Club apparel sales. There is a potential interest in organized competition with other communities in the area. Additional investigation is planned and a formal proposal will be brought to the Board on a future date.
President's Report.
Beth Castle scheduled a planning meeting for Friday, January 26, 2024 from 1:00pm until 4:00pm. Topics include, but are not limited to, the Club's goals for 2024, court allocation, and capital projects. The Club secretary will request a room reservation for the meeting.
A meeting is scheduled for noon on January 17 to clean out the storage room at the Wagner courts.
Beth Castle proposed a Capital Project Committee whose goal is to develop proposals for projects that would be presented to the Sun City Festival Board of Directors. Vice President Trevor Thorne will chair the committee and Scott Moyer will serve on the committee. Three Pickleball Club members will be selected by the Committee Chair to serve on the Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 5:05pm.
January 5, 2024
The following were in attendance.
Beth Castle, President. Trevor Thorne, Vice President. Mark Swygert, Secretary. Chris Prellwitz, Treasurer. Rob Dryden, Director at Large, Player Development. Scott Moyer, Director at Large, Events. Diana Ballato Director at Large, Rotations & Court Schedules. Leila Mirza, admin/communications.
Beth Castle called the meeting to order at 1:58pm on 12/4/23.
The meeting minutes for the Pickleball Club's Annual Meeting on November 30, 2023, were presented for approval. Beth Castle made a motion to approve the minutes. Diana Ballato seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
The meeting minutes for the Pickleball Club Board of Direrctors' meeting on December 4, 2023, were presented for approval. Beth Castle made a motion to approve the minutes. Diana Ballato seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
New Board.
Beth Castle made a motion to consider the following slate of Pickleball Club officers for the calendar year 2024:
President Beth Castle
Vice President Trevor Thorne
Secretary Mark Swygert
Treasurer Chris Prellwitz
Player Development Rob Dryden
Director At Large Diana Ballato (Primary focus for Rotations)
Director At Large Scott Moyer (Primary focus for Events)
Scott Moyer seconded the motion for the slate of officers. The slate of officers was accepted by a unanimous vote of approval.
Treasurer's Report.
Chris Prellwitz presented the Treasurer's Report. The most recent Financial Report is posted on the Club's website. A motion was made by Beth Castle to approve up to a $400.00 expense to purchase a wide screen computer monitor for the Admin Team's use. Scott Moyer seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
Beth Castle made a motion to adopt the annual budget proposed by the Treasurer. Diana Ballato seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by an unanimous vote of approval.
Rotations Report.
Diana Ballato presented the Rotations Report. A discussion regarding adding a Women's 4.0+ Rotation on Thursday mornings at the Sage Courts was held. A final decision to add the Rotation is pending the availability of an Event Coordinator for the Rotation.
Player Development.
Rob Dryden presented the Player Development Report and notes that it is a challenge to find coaches for the 2.0 and 2.5 skill level events that the Club offers. Referee training is planned for Monday, January 29, 2024. The training will be led by Mark Comer and Gene Vollmin. The time and location of the Referee training will be provided at a later date.
VP Report.
Trevor Thorne presented the Vice President's Report. The Zoom Pro account has been canceled as there is not currently a need for Board meetings to be conducted using Zoom. When Zoom meetings are needed in the future, the Zoom account can be established. The Vice President plans to meet weekly with Phil McWilliams, the Maintenance Director for the Sun City Festival Community Association, to aid with the timely ordering of maintenance items for the Club. Steve Wilson reports that he is willing to continue to service the ball machine and windsocks as needed by the Club.
Events Report.
Scott Moyer presented the Events Report and provided an apparel vendor comparison for future Club apparel sales. Additional investigation will be conducted and a formal proposal will be brought to the Board for future Club apparel sales. There is a potential interest in organized competition with other communities in the area. Additional investigation is planned and a formal proposal will be brought to the Board on a future date.
President's Report.
Beth Castle scheduled a planning meeting for Friday, January 26, 2024 from 1:00pm until 4:00pm. Topics include, but are not limited to, the Club's goals for 2024, court allocation, and capital projects. The Club secretary will request a room reservation for the meeting.
A meeting is scheduled for noon on January 17 to clean out the storage room at the Wagner courts.
Beth Castle proposed a Capital Project Committee whose goal is to develop proposals for projects that would be presented to the Sun City Festival Board of Directors. Vice President Trevor Thorne will chair the committee and Scott Moyer will serve on the committee. Three Pickleball Club members will be selected by the Committee Chair to serve on the Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 5:05pm.