SCF Pickleball Board Minutes
January 8th, 2021
A meeting of the Sun City Festival Pickleball Board members was held at the home of Doug Gale on 1/8/2021 at 6:00 pm.
- Doug Gale (President)
- Tom Karas (Vice-President)
- Mark Comer (Treasurer)
- Lynne Owen (Secretary)
- Ila Haas (Player Development)
- Katie Westermann (Communications)
Old Business
COVID Protocol - Mark made a motion to alter the current COVID policy dated November 18, 2020. Going forward upon a notification of a positive COVID diagnosis from a member, the rotation/module coordinator will be notified and they in turn will notify the group of players. The players at that time can decide as to how they want to proceed. Doug 2nd the motion and was passed by the board.
New Business
Finances - Mark will coordinate the account signatures changes between Darryl, Doug and himself. Also, Mark will look into getting a debit card for the account to make it easier for payments/reimbursements.
Dues - It was decided by the board that annual dues would go from $10 to $15 per member. Mark will put together the announcement to the members. Those that have already paid shall be granted full payment for 2021.
Software Options - A sub-committee consisting of Brock, Katie and Dave Owen will research different software packages for club use regarding membership, court reservations and rotation invites. New software for financial reporting will also be researched.
Court Reservation Policy - It is current policy for a court reservation that if you are over 10 minutes late, you lose the court. This was discussed and the board decided to clarify who still has the reservation for the 2nd hour of a 2 hour reservation. The board approved the player holding the reservation for the 1st hour can retain the court for the 2nd hour. If you are over 10 minutes late for the 2nd hour you lose the reservation all together. An email blast will go out to all members informing the members of this policy.
Storage Unit Locks - Mark will be changing the combination on the locks and informing the board of the new combination. The new combination will be distributed to the pertinent people.
In-house Rating System - Doug will research how 10 other clubs are doing regarding their rating system and report back to the board.
In-house Tournament - Due to COVID concerns, the board approved that there will be no club tournament for 2021.
Rotations - Due to the popularity of some of the rotations, the club will be adding more rotations to the schedule. Ila/Mary Ann will find volunteers for the added rotations.
Modules - 170 people have signed up for the modules. There are 14 coaches and 17 assistant coaches. There are 14 sessions ranging from Beginner-2.0, to 3.0 to 3.5.
Beginner Intro Clinics - These clinics run every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 2:00 by Bruce Burgess.
Additional Courts - Doug and Tom will meet with Pulte and discuss the need for more pickleball courts.
Meeting - The next board meeting was scheduled for January 22, 2021 at 4:00 at the Wagner Courts.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm