Sun City Festival Pickleball Club Board meeting
August 5, 2022
In Attendance:
Doug Gale - President
Dave Owen - Vice President
Cheryl Casey- Secretary
Sandy Angle - Director at Large
Beth Castle - Director at Large
Mark Comer - Treasurer
Katie Westermann - Communications
Brock Taylor - Communications
Meeting call to order at 2:02 pm
Minutes from June meeting are approved unanimously.
Proposal to split duties. Discussion
Mark confirms that a needed bylaw change to reallocate responsibilities, however to delegate duties, can be done without. Doug agrees to assign duties as per new Director of Player Development recommends.
Doug asks, to replace Director of Player Development, do we get an interim or have an election.
Mark reads bylaws, Director at Large can be assigned responsibilities. Mark suggests that the board assigns duties to an at large board member. Bylaws says board can also appoint a replacement Director of Development. Dave suggests that an at large take over opening through 2023, or thru end of year.
Katie says we can use same template for court allocation for now.
Beth vounteered to take over Player Development position. Sandy moves to appoint Beth as Dir of Event and Player Development. Cheryl Seconded.
Discussion. To clarify, all board positions are reallocated Jan 1. Motion carried unanimously.
Dave clarifies, as of Jan 1, three Directors remain; Dave, Beth and Cheryl.
Beth moves to appoint Katie to the vacant Director at Large position (to replace Beth). Dave seconds.
Motion carried unanimously.
By-Laws ask for a nominating committee. Board discusses need for Committee. No one prefers a committee. Katie to solicit member submissions. Club solicitation to be sent no later than mid-October. Board agrees to start communications in September. Board to remind club that positions are for Executive Director of the Board. Specific positions such as President, Secretary etc, will be decided by the board.
Previous votes have been run via survey monkey. Brock confirmed we can do this.
Review of guidelines. Board discussed a number of points on the guidelines. Agreed to delete bullet regarding board approval for events and activities. All remaining guidelines to apply to board decisions regarding court allocations.
Beth suggests organized reservations to be 90 minutes. Board discusses value. Doug suggests that sessions do not need to be defined as two hour sessions. Length of session could be designated by Director of Events.
Sandy moves to approve guidelines June 5, 2022, with above deletion. Beth seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Template for October thru November schedule to be sent out by Katie. Beth and Katie to revise as needed.
Open play versus reserved courts.
Currently, no reserved courts at Wagner, only open play or organized play. Sage courts are available for reserved courts.
Mark sent out reports.
Sandy requests a line item report of income and expenses. Mark said he would make this happen.
Price increases was inquired about and update on availability to run organized play.
Court reserve does not yet have an system for recording scores. Cost currently is based on number of courts, number of emails… May spend $170 to $242/mo.
Discussed possibility to sponsor third party programs. Cheryl has come up with a draft. Will discuss at next meeting.
We are tight on costs versus income. However, if we increase income, we need proposed uses for more money. Some thoughts are for improving entrance to sage courts, other games at Wagner. Memorials. Sponsorships. To discuss at next meeting.
Dave and Sandy discussed aging nets. Brad Angle to assess need.
Next Board meeting, Doug proposes Sept 9th, 2:00 pm
Doug moves to adjourn. Sandy second. Motion carried.
August 5, 2022
In Attendance:
Doug Gale - President
Dave Owen - Vice President
Cheryl Casey- Secretary
Sandy Angle - Director at Large
Beth Castle - Director at Large
Mark Comer - Treasurer
Katie Westermann - Communications
Brock Taylor - Communications
Meeting call to order at 2:02 pm
Minutes from June meeting are approved unanimously.
Proposal to split duties. Discussion
Mark confirms that a needed bylaw change to reallocate responsibilities, however to delegate duties, can be done without. Doug agrees to assign duties as per new Director of Player Development recommends.
Doug asks, to replace Director of Player Development, do we get an interim or have an election.
Mark reads bylaws, Director at Large can be assigned responsibilities. Mark suggests that the board assigns duties to an at large board member. Bylaws says board can also appoint a replacement Director of Development. Dave suggests that an at large take over opening through 2023, or thru end of year.
Katie says we can use same template for court allocation for now.
Beth vounteered to take over Player Development position. Sandy moves to appoint Beth as Dir of Event and Player Development. Cheryl Seconded.
Discussion. To clarify, all board positions are reallocated Jan 1. Motion carried unanimously.
Dave clarifies, as of Jan 1, three Directors remain; Dave, Beth and Cheryl.
Beth moves to appoint Katie to the vacant Director at Large position (to replace Beth). Dave seconds.
Motion carried unanimously.
By-Laws ask for a nominating committee. Board discusses need for Committee. No one prefers a committee. Katie to solicit member submissions. Club solicitation to be sent no later than mid-October. Board agrees to start communications in September. Board to remind club that positions are for Executive Director of the Board. Specific positions such as President, Secretary etc, will be decided by the board.
Previous votes have been run via survey monkey. Brock confirmed we can do this.
Review of guidelines. Board discussed a number of points on the guidelines. Agreed to delete bullet regarding board approval for events and activities. All remaining guidelines to apply to board decisions regarding court allocations.
Beth suggests organized reservations to be 90 minutes. Board discusses value. Doug suggests that sessions do not need to be defined as two hour sessions. Length of session could be designated by Director of Events.
Sandy moves to approve guidelines June 5, 2022, with above deletion. Beth seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Template for October thru November schedule to be sent out by Katie. Beth and Katie to revise as needed.
Open play versus reserved courts.
Currently, no reserved courts at Wagner, only open play or organized play. Sage courts are available for reserved courts.
Mark sent out reports.
Sandy requests a line item report of income and expenses. Mark said he would make this happen.
Price increases was inquired about and update on availability to run organized play.
Court reserve does not yet have an system for recording scores. Cost currently is based on number of courts, number of emails… May spend $170 to $242/mo.
Discussed possibility to sponsor third party programs. Cheryl has come up with a draft. Will discuss at next meeting.
We are tight on costs versus income. However, if we increase income, we need proposed uses for more money. Some thoughts are for improving entrance to sage courts, other games at Wagner. Memorials. Sponsorships. To discuss at next meeting.
Dave and Sandy discussed aging nets. Brad Angle to assess need.
Next Board meeting, Doug proposes Sept 9th, 2:00 pm
Doug moves to adjourn. Sandy second. Motion carried.