Sun City Festival Pickleball Club Board meeting
SCF Pickleball Club Board Meeting
September 9, 2022
In Attendance:
Doug Gale - President
Dave Owen - Vice President
Beth Castle - Player Development
Mark Comer - Treasurer
Katie Westermann - Director-at-Large
Sandy Angle - Director-at-Large
Brock Taylor - Administration
Call to order: 2:08 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from meeting to be amended as follows: correctly note the meeting date of August 5, minor wording changes in the section on Court Allocation Guidelines and attach the Court Allocation Guidelines to the minutes. Motion to approve amended minutes by Beth, seconded by Sandy, unanimous approval.
Treasurer Report
The new income expense comparison report by category that Mark created was favorably received. The group discussed the expense overrun of name badges. A number of badges had to be reordered earlier in the year, but that blip has been resolved. The vendor has indicated a small price increase is imminent. Mark made a motion that the Board approve the revised cost per name badge. Dave seconded, unanimous approval.
Elections Announcement
The wording was refined on the communication that will ask for nominees for the 2023 Board. The group discussed whether to host a meeting with potential candidates to answer any questions and discuss how officer positions will be determined given the by-law change approved earlier this year. This will be determined at October meeting. The election schedule will be as follows: Request nominees October 1, receive nominations by October 31, finalize nominee bios shortly thereafter and conduct voting from November 10-14.
Seasonal Rotation Schedule Change
Beth presented the planned rotations beginning October 1 including back-to-back sessions (9 a.m. and 11 a.m.) to accommodate the larger number of players returning. She is working with Mark Swygert on some coordinator vacancies. Beth is piloting a rotation for those who are rehabilitating from injury or illness. Based on member request, some evening rotations are being added. The group discussed the appropriate balance between rotations, reservations and open play. Open play could be enhanced with coaching on how it should work, including resuming designated challenge courts with appropriate signage.
Tournament Committee
An e-mail vote was previously taken by the Board to approve the formation of a tournament committee. The motion was made by Cheryl, seconded by Sandy and approved by Doug, Dave, Cheryl, Sandy, and Beth. At the meeting, a motion was made by Beth and seconded by Sandy to amend the motion to indicate that this would be a standing tournament committee. Unanimous approval. Dave agreed to chair the committee and will solicit volunteers for each of the four tournaments. Bruce Burgess has expressed interest in running the Dink-A-Thon and Dave will run the In-House tournament.
Maintenance Updates
The HOA has replaced the Wagner nets that were in the worst shape. Some discussion about whether the club should purchase extra nets given the long lead time involved in the HOA replacement. Doug reported status on the latest discussions with the HOA on potential hardscape improvements at Sage, including additional concrete between the pickleball and tennis courts and new furniture. The HOA discussed preliminary estimates and desired cost sharing with the two clubs. The HOA noted some delays in gathering estimates given higher priorities in dealing with the recent significant storm damage throughout the neighborhood. Doug explained issues related to the Care Fund and common areas. No decisions will be made until more information is available.
Tour de Club Expo Update
Sandy will coordinate this, generally following approach used for the event in March. She will donate treats and develop a brief flyer that references our website. The Board agreed to expenditures for two door prizes. Non-members will be eligible to win a paid membership and name badge. Members will be eligible to win a prize of similar value.
Upcoming Fiscal Needs and Purchase Prioritizing
The purchase of pickleballs represents a significant portion of Club expenses. Dave reports that costs per ball have increased by about 50 percent compared to last year. Court Reserve software and other fees have also increased. The club is able to cover the budget deficit with higher than anticipated apparel sale profits this year. However, an increase in membership dues will be needed in 2023 to cover the higher cost of pickleballs, software and service fees and equipment maintenance. Sandy made a motion to increase membership dues from $10 to $15 in 2023, Beth seconded, unanimous approval. The increase will be presented to the membership for approval by December 1. For now, the purchase of additional desired items is on hold (e.g., ice machines at Sage and Wagner, sign commemorating the first National tournament hosted by SCF, outside recreation equipment).
Apparel Sale
Dave proposed having the next apparel sale in January 2023 when the peak number of members are in the community. Sandy volunteered to assist.
Doug asked for a volunteer to attend the Presidents' Council Meeting in his absence. Dave volunteered to do this via Zoom.
Related to the winter season rotations and based on strong input from coordinators and participants, Beth proposed moving the start times one hour earlier and shortening the block of time from two hours to 90 minutes which matches what generally occurs. Specifically, the first session would begin at 10 a.m. and the second at 11:30 a.m. Open play would be available on all Wagner courts from sunrise to 10 a.m. Beth made a motion that the December 2022 through March 2023 rotations be allowed to start at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and be allocated a 90-minute block of time. Katie seconded, approved unanimously.
Beth made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Doug seconded, unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m. Next meeting is planned for Friday, October 7 at 2 p.m.
SCF Pickleball Club Board Meeting
September 9, 2022
In Attendance:
Doug Gale - President
Dave Owen - Vice President
Beth Castle - Player Development
Mark Comer - Treasurer
Katie Westermann - Director-at-Large
Sandy Angle - Director-at-Large
Brock Taylor - Administration
Call to order: 2:08 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from meeting to be amended as follows: correctly note the meeting date of August 5, minor wording changes in the section on Court Allocation Guidelines and attach the Court Allocation Guidelines to the minutes. Motion to approve amended minutes by Beth, seconded by Sandy, unanimous approval.
Treasurer Report
The new income expense comparison report by category that Mark created was favorably received. The group discussed the expense overrun of name badges. A number of badges had to be reordered earlier in the year, but that blip has been resolved. The vendor has indicated a small price increase is imminent. Mark made a motion that the Board approve the revised cost per name badge. Dave seconded, unanimous approval.
Elections Announcement
The wording was refined on the communication that will ask for nominees for the 2023 Board. The group discussed whether to host a meeting with potential candidates to answer any questions and discuss how officer positions will be determined given the by-law change approved earlier this year. This will be determined at October meeting. The election schedule will be as follows: Request nominees October 1, receive nominations by October 31, finalize nominee bios shortly thereafter and conduct voting from November 10-14.
Seasonal Rotation Schedule Change
Beth presented the planned rotations beginning October 1 including back-to-back sessions (9 a.m. and 11 a.m.) to accommodate the larger number of players returning. She is working with Mark Swygert on some coordinator vacancies. Beth is piloting a rotation for those who are rehabilitating from injury or illness. Based on member request, some evening rotations are being added. The group discussed the appropriate balance between rotations, reservations and open play. Open play could be enhanced with coaching on how it should work, including resuming designated challenge courts with appropriate signage.
Tournament Committee
An e-mail vote was previously taken by the Board to approve the formation of a tournament committee. The motion was made by Cheryl, seconded by Sandy and approved by Doug, Dave, Cheryl, Sandy, and Beth. At the meeting, a motion was made by Beth and seconded by Sandy to amend the motion to indicate that this would be a standing tournament committee. Unanimous approval. Dave agreed to chair the committee and will solicit volunteers for each of the four tournaments. Bruce Burgess has expressed interest in running the Dink-A-Thon and Dave will run the In-House tournament.
Maintenance Updates
The HOA has replaced the Wagner nets that were in the worst shape. Some discussion about whether the club should purchase extra nets given the long lead time involved in the HOA replacement. Doug reported status on the latest discussions with the HOA on potential hardscape improvements at Sage, including additional concrete between the pickleball and tennis courts and new furniture. The HOA discussed preliminary estimates and desired cost sharing with the two clubs. The HOA noted some delays in gathering estimates given higher priorities in dealing with the recent significant storm damage throughout the neighborhood. Doug explained issues related to the Care Fund and common areas. No decisions will be made until more information is available.
Tour de Club Expo Update
Sandy will coordinate this, generally following approach used for the event in March. She will donate treats and develop a brief flyer that references our website. The Board agreed to expenditures for two door prizes. Non-members will be eligible to win a paid membership and name badge. Members will be eligible to win a prize of similar value.
Upcoming Fiscal Needs and Purchase Prioritizing
The purchase of pickleballs represents a significant portion of Club expenses. Dave reports that costs per ball have increased by about 50 percent compared to last year. Court Reserve software and other fees have also increased. The club is able to cover the budget deficit with higher than anticipated apparel sale profits this year. However, an increase in membership dues will be needed in 2023 to cover the higher cost of pickleballs, software and service fees and equipment maintenance. Sandy made a motion to increase membership dues from $10 to $15 in 2023, Beth seconded, unanimous approval. The increase will be presented to the membership for approval by December 1. For now, the purchase of additional desired items is on hold (e.g., ice machines at Sage and Wagner, sign commemorating the first National tournament hosted by SCF, outside recreation equipment).
Apparel Sale
Dave proposed having the next apparel sale in January 2023 when the peak number of members are in the community. Sandy volunteered to assist.
Doug asked for a volunteer to attend the Presidents' Council Meeting in his absence. Dave volunteered to do this via Zoom.
Related to the winter season rotations and based on strong input from coordinators and participants, Beth proposed moving the start times one hour earlier and shortening the block of time from two hours to 90 minutes which matches what generally occurs. Specifically, the first session would begin at 10 a.m. and the second at 11:30 a.m. Open play would be available on all Wagner courts from sunrise to 10 a.m. Beth made a motion that the December 2022 through March 2023 rotations be allowed to start at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and be allocated a 90-minute block of time. Katie seconded, approved unanimously.
Beth made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Doug seconded, unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m. Next meeting is planned for Friday, October 7 at 2 p.m.