Sun City Festival Pickleball Club Board meeting
SCF Pickleball Club Board Meeting
Feb 3, 2023
The following people were in attendance.
Craig Palermo, President
Mark Swygert, Vice President
Val Vollmin, Treasurer
Trevor Thorne, Secretary
Beth Castle, Player development
Diana Ballato, Director of coordinators
heryl Casey, Director at large
Katie Westermann, Admin/communications.
Craig Palermo called the meeting to order at 2.00pm 2/3/23. All directors were in attendance which met the quorum’s requirements.
The minutes for the prior two meetings dated 1/6/23 and 1/16/23, were approved.
The next item on the agenda were the treasurer’s reports. Val Vollmin presented the “Reconciliation Report” which balanced with an ending amount of $34.007.65. The cash flow revealed income of $25,315.00 and outflows of $759.05 with an overall total of $24,635.95.
Beth Castle reported that the upcoming tournaments were moving forward as scheduled, arrangements are in process, the Hen House tournament already has ninety ladies signed up. Additional volunteers will be needed to help run the day’s activities club members will be encouraged to step up to the plate.
Dink-A-Thon was a great success with almost one hundred and fifty participants.
Skinny Singles Pickelball. A different way to play the game. This will be part of one of our upcoming tournaments. Many of our members are not familiar with the set up and scoring of this game. After considerable discussion it was decided that we should offer instructions and demos to interested parties.
Coed / teams of four will be instructed on 2/27/23 on courts 13 through 16 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Additional instruction for singles will be carried out on 2/21/23 at 1:00-3:00pm on courts 13-16. A notice will be generated and communicated to the club members.
The numbers for open play in the morning are going up. Members are getting more confident in the “paddle up” process. The board members are visiting both Sage and Wagner courts to observe the activity.
Banner Health have offered to attend certain tournaments at no charge. We agreed to allow this and monitor the interest. Rae Wilson has volunteered to again be present for “First Aid”. Thank you, Rae, we hope you don’t get used but its great to have you there, just in case.
Rated only play is coming to our club. At this time it will be gender specific only and you will be allowed both DUPR and self-rating in your profile.
Appl league is very popular with many club members. We recently had a conflict with timing. This has been addressed by changing the courts assigned for league play which will avoid any future conflict.
Players new to pickleball 2.0 – 2.5 can easily be put off by the level of play that we all want to achieve. It was agreed, we all started somewhere on the skills scale, lets encourage our up-and-coming players. More players are coming to Sage for open play in the mornings so it was decided that the board members will stop by and offer their support and encouragement. We would like to encourage all members of our great club to offer such inspiration.
We were offered the opportunity to sell kids pickleball books. The club could receive some income for doing so. At this time, it was decided to pass on this endeavor, the board is very busy with items that need our close attention. Maybe in the future we could look at this again.
The board discussed the use of WhatsApp. This is used for both texting and video chats. It was suggested that this may be a tool we can use when certain members of the board or admin team are out of town. After discissions it was decided, not to do so, at this time, but maybe in the future.
The members of the board and many of our club members have voiced concern about the state of the nets mostly at Wagner. Mark Swygert has been trying to communicate with Phil in maintenance. He will push forward with this difficult task.
Craig Palermo presented a motion to adjourn at 3:20pm. Seconded by Trevor Thorne. All in favor. Yaa.
SCF Pickleball Club Board Meeting
Feb 3, 2023
The following people were in attendance.
Craig Palermo, President
Mark Swygert, Vice President
Val Vollmin, Treasurer
Trevor Thorne, Secretary
Beth Castle, Player development
Diana Ballato, Director of coordinators
heryl Casey, Director at large
Katie Westermann, Admin/communications.
Craig Palermo called the meeting to order at 2.00pm 2/3/23. All directors were in attendance which met the quorum’s requirements.
The minutes for the prior two meetings dated 1/6/23 and 1/16/23, were approved.
The next item on the agenda were the treasurer’s reports. Val Vollmin presented the “Reconciliation Report” which balanced with an ending amount of $34.007.65. The cash flow revealed income of $25,315.00 and outflows of $759.05 with an overall total of $24,635.95.
Beth Castle reported that the upcoming tournaments were moving forward as scheduled, arrangements are in process, the Hen House tournament already has ninety ladies signed up. Additional volunteers will be needed to help run the day’s activities club members will be encouraged to step up to the plate.
Dink-A-Thon was a great success with almost one hundred and fifty participants.
Skinny Singles Pickelball. A different way to play the game. This will be part of one of our upcoming tournaments. Many of our members are not familiar with the set up and scoring of this game. After considerable discussion it was decided that we should offer instructions and demos to interested parties.
Coed / teams of four will be instructed on 2/27/23 on courts 13 through 16 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Additional instruction for singles will be carried out on 2/21/23 at 1:00-3:00pm on courts 13-16. A notice will be generated and communicated to the club members.
The numbers for open play in the morning are going up. Members are getting more confident in the “paddle up” process. The board members are visiting both Sage and Wagner courts to observe the activity.
Banner Health have offered to attend certain tournaments at no charge. We agreed to allow this and monitor the interest. Rae Wilson has volunteered to again be present for “First Aid”. Thank you, Rae, we hope you don’t get used but its great to have you there, just in case.
Rated only play is coming to our club. At this time it will be gender specific only and you will be allowed both DUPR and self-rating in your profile.
Appl league is very popular with many club members. We recently had a conflict with timing. This has been addressed by changing the courts assigned for league play which will avoid any future conflict.
Players new to pickleball 2.0 – 2.5 can easily be put off by the level of play that we all want to achieve. It was agreed, we all started somewhere on the skills scale, lets encourage our up-and-coming players. More players are coming to Sage for open play in the mornings so it was decided that the board members will stop by and offer their support and encouragement. We would like to encourage all members of our great club to offer such inspiration.
We were offered the opportunity to sell kids pickleball books. The club could receive some income for doing so. At this time, it was decided to pass on this endeavor, the board is very busy with items that need our close attention. Maybe in the future we could look at this again.
The board discussed the use of WhatsApp. This is used for both texting and video chats. It was suggested that this may be a tool we can use when certain members of the board or admin team are out of town. After discissions it was decided, not to do so, at this time, but maybe in the future.
The members of the board and many of our club members have voiced concern about the state of the nets mostly at Wagner. Mark Swygert has been trying to communicate with Phil in maintenance. He will push forward with this difficult task.
Craig Palermo presented a motion to adjourn at 3:20pm. Seconded by Trevor Thorne. All in favor. Yaa.