Monday, March 18th
Coed Team Event
Tuesday, March 19th
Women’s Doubles & Men's Skinny Singles
Wednesday, March 20th
Men’s Doubles & Women's Skinny Singles
Thursday, March 21st
Mixed Doubles
Friday, March 22nd
Coed Blind Draw (first 128 entrants), Tournament Medal Presentations,
Food Truck, Live Band and Party!
Saturday, March 23rd
Rain Day if needed
Additionally, we will have events geared to just 70+ players.
Coed Team Event
Tuesday, March 19th
Women’s Doubles & Men's Skinny Singles
Wednesday, March 20th
Men’s Doubles & Women's Skinny Singles
Thursday, March 21st
Mixed Doubles
Friday, March 22nd
Coed Blind Draw (first 128 entrants), Tournament Medal Presentations,
Food Truck, Live Band and Party!
Saturday, March 23rd
Rain Day if needed
Additionally, we will have events geared to just 70+ players.
Coed Doubles (Team Event): On Monday March 18th, a team competition will be held. Each team will consist of 4 members, two men and two women players. Each team will play a men's doubles and women's doubles, plus a mixed doubles where free substitution will be allowed. Depending on the number of teams registering, our plan is a round robin format. In the Pickleball Brackets Registration, it is listed as a Coed Doubles (TEAM Event). Each team member must register for the event.
Skinny Singles: Skinny Singles is played using only half of the court. Each player's position is determined by their individual score. This applies at all times, whether the player is serving or receiving. Even scores will be played on the right side of the court, Odd scores will be played on the left. Depending on the player's positioning (determined by their score), a point could be played cross court (both ways) or straight across (both sides). Once a server loses the rally or faults, a side out will occur, and the service is awarded to the opponent. Games are to 11, win by 2.
Women's, Men's and Mixed Doubles: Depending upon the number of players, either the Double Elimination or the Round Robin format will be utilized.
Coed Blind Draw: Format will be determined by the number of entries.
The brackets will be available at the event by 8:00 AM. They will also be available at after midnight on the day the event is scheduled. For example, events scheduled for Monday should be viewable by 12:01 am on Monday morning. It’s not necessary to view the bracket ahead of your match. Once you check-in the day of your match, you will be directed to the proper court.
To view the brackets before arriving at the Wagner Courts, follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on "My Tournaments"
3. Click on the "Bracket's" button
Most events will be double elimination format, with a “Top Side” and “Second Chance Side.” This means you must lose two matches before you are eliminated from play in that event. In other words, you are guaranteed a minimum of 3 games in every event you enter.
On the “Top Side” of the bracket in all matches, winners must win 2 out of 3 games to 11 points and must win by 2 points. Each team will play one full game on each side of the net. If you split the first 2 games - in game 3 you will switch sides after the 6th point is scored by the first team. If you win the best 2 out of 3 games of that match you stay on the “Top Side” and your next match will also be the best 2 out of 3 games.
If you lose the match on the “Top Side” you will move to the consolation or “Second Chance Side.” In the “Second Chance Side” of the bracket, all matches are one game to 15 points with a win by 2 points. In this match, you will switch sides after the 8th point is scored by the first team. If you keep winning on the “Second Chance Side” you have a chance to get to the medal rounds. Once you lose a match on the “Second Chance Side” you are out of that event.
Format will be determined by the number of entries.